Congregation B’nai Israel’s 150th Anniversary Campaign
The 150th Anniversary of Congregation B’nai Israel is an opportunity to reflect upon and be grateful for the progressive thinking and generous giving of our forebears, which resulted in an Endowment Fund and a sacred building meant to sustain CBI’s future growth.
However, our congregational growth has surpassed both our financial growth and our building is showing its age, as we continue to fulfill our sacred mission of strengthening Jewish identities and Jewish values in the greater Galveston Bay area.
The Endowment Fund
In order to meet our growing expenses with the interest earned from the Endowment Fund, the goal of the 150th Anniversary Campaign is to raise 3.6 million dollars. This is both a goal of necessity and spirituality, as 3.6 represents “double-chai” (a prayer for “extended life”).
Congregation B’nai Israel would not have reached the heights it has without each subsequent generation’s commitment to and investment in our community of faith. Now it’s our turn. May we make both our ancestors as well as our descendants proud!

Building Renovations
CBI’s Rabbi Henry Cohen Memorial Temple was built in 1953-1954. Perhaps as a testimony to its architect, Holocaust survivor Tibor Beerman, the Temple has survived numerous storms that have battered the Island over the last 60+ years. Throughout the pummeling, it has endured as a beacon of hope to all humanity.
Age and wear – however – have begun to show, resulting in a congregational home that more shadows the light within than helps to promote it. Therefore, to restore the shimmer, the following areas are planned for renovation:
â–ª Bathrooms â–ª Courtyard â–ª Hallways
â–ª Library â–ª Classrooms â–ª Ceilings, Roof and Electrical Upgrades
Proposed Library Renovation

How to Help Grow CBI’s Future
Congregation B’nai Israel’s past as well as its future calls upon its present – YOU! – to ensure that (1) the history of this innovative Jewish community is not forgotten by (2) establishing the firm and fertile ground from which another 150 years of Galveston Jewish life can grow.
You are needed! Please reach deep into your heart. Reach deep into your soul. Reach deep into your pockets and make an offering that truly makes a difference. This is the time to do it. Let’s make this the time that – 150 years from now, they’ll say – that generation made a real difference!
Brick-by-brick, dollar-by-dollar, we will grow our CBI Family!
Here’s how you can help:
â–ª Pledge Today; Give Over Time!
â–ª Leave a Legacy Gift to CBI in Your Will!
â–ª Speak to a CBI Past President about Your Gift!
â–ª Donate today via the link below!

To view the complete 150th Anniversary brochure, which includes information about the special
150th Anniversary Celebratory Weekend
and the full year of important events honoring CBI's 150 years of growth
please click below: